/*======================================================== * 弹出框 * =======================================================*/ // TODO F7有些方法没实现,暂时不需要 ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { var modalStack = []; var _modalTemplateTempDiv = document.createElement('div'); function modal(params) { params = params || {}; var modalHTML = ''; var buttonsHTML = ''; if (params.buttons && params.buttons.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < params.buttons.length; i++) { buttonsHTML += '' + params.buttons[i].text + ''; } } var titleHTML = params.title ? '' : ''; var textHTML = params.text ? '' : ''; var afterTextHTML = params.afterText ? params.afterText : ''; var noButtons = !params.buttons || params.buttons.length === 0 ? 'modal-no-buttons' : ''; var verticalButtons = params.verticalButtons ? 'modal-buttons-vertical' : ''; modalHTML = ''; _modalTemplateTempDiv.innerHTML = modalHTML; var modal = $(_modalTemplateTempDiv).children(); $('body').append(modal[0]); // Add events on buttons modal.find('.modal-button').each(function (index, el) { $(el).on('click', function (e) { if (params.buttons[index].close !== false) closeModal(modal); if (params.buttons[index].onClick) params.buttons[index].onClick(modal, e); if (params.onClick) params.onClick(modal, index); }); }); openModal(modal); return modal; } function openModal(modal) { modal = $(modal); var isModal = modal.hasClass('modal'); if ($('.modal.modal-in:not(.modal-out)').length && isModal) { modalStack.push(function () { openModal(modal); }); return; } // do nothing if this modal already shown if (true === modal.data('f7-modal-shown')) { return; } modal.data('f7-modal-shown', true); modal.trigger('close', function () { modal.removeData('f7-modal-shown'); }); if (isModal) { modal.show(); modal.css({ marginTop: -Math.round(modal.outerHeight() / 2) + 'px' }); } if ($('.modal-overlay').length === 0) { $('body').append(''); } var overlay = $('.modal-overlay'); //Make sure that styles are applied, trigger relayout; var clientLeft = modal[0].clientLeft;//这个不能删,删了actions动画没了. // Trugger open event modal.trigger('open'); // Classes for transition in overlay.addClass('modal-overlay-visible'); modal.removeClass('modal-out').addClass('modal-in').transitionEnd(function (e) { if (modal.hasClass('modal-out')) modal.trigger('closed'); else modal.trigger('opened'); }); return true; } function closeModal(modal) { modal = $(modal || '.modal-in'); if (typeof modal !== 'undefined' && modal.length === 0) { return; } var isModal = modal.hasClass('modal'); var overlay = $('.modal-overlay'); if (overlay && overlay.length > 0) { overlay.removeClass('modal-overlay-visible'); } modal.trigger('close'); modal.removeClass('modal-in').addClass('modal-out').transitionEnd(function (e) { if (modal.hasClass('modal-out')) modal.trigger('closed'); else modal.trigger('opened'); modal.remove(); }); if (isModal) { modalStackClearQueue(); } return true; } function modalStackClearQueue() { if (modalStack.length) { (modalStack.shift())(); } } var modalTitle = 'Tooltip'; var modalButtonOk = 'Ok'; var modalButtonCancel = 'Cancel'; var modalPreloaderTitle = 'Loading'; $.extend({ prompt: function (value, title, callbackOk, callbackCancel) { if (arguments.length === 2) { callbackOk = arguments[1]; title = arguments[0]; value = ''; } var m = modal({ text: '', title: typeof title === 'undefined' ? modalTitle : title, buttons: [ {text: modalButtonCancel, onClick: callbackCancel}, {text: modalButtonOk, bold: true, onClick: function(){ var value = $('.modal-input').val(); callbackOk && callbackOk(value); }} ] }); m.on('opened', function(){ var $input = $('.modal-input'); $input.focus(); var input = $input.get(0); var value = $input.val(); var valueLength = value ? value.length : 0; input.setSelectionRange && input.setSelectionRange(valueLength,valueLength); }); return m; }, alert: function (text, title, callbackOk) { if (typeof title === 'function') { callbackOk = arguments[1]; title = undefined; } return modal({ text: text || '', title: typeof title === 'undefined' ? modalTitle : title, buttons: [ {text: modalButtonOk, bold: true, onClick: callbackOk} ] }); }, confirm: function (text, title, callbackOk, callbackCancel) { if (typeof title === 'function') { callbackCancel = arguments[2]; callbackOk = arguments[1]; title = undefined; } return modal({ text: text || '', title: typeof title === 'undefined' ? modalTitle : title, buttons: [ {text: modalButtonCancel, onClick: callbackCancel}, {text: modalButtonOk, bold: true, onClick: callbackOk} ] }); }, showPreloader: function (title) { return modal({ title: title || modalPreloaderTitle, text: '
', cssClass: 'modal-preloader' }); }, hidePreloader: function () { closeModal('.modal.modal-in'); }, showIndicator: function () { //$('body').append('
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'); }, hideIndicator: function () { $('.preloader-indicator-overlay, .preloader-indicator-modal').remove(); }, toast: function (text, during, closeCallBack) { if (typeof during === 'function') { closeCallBack = arguments[1]; during = undefined; } if (!during) { during = 1500; } var m = modal({ title: '', text: text }); if (closeCallBack) { m.on("close", closeCallBack); } setTimeout(function () { closeModal(); }, during); return modal }, actions: function (params) { var modal, groupSelector, buttonSelector; params = params || []; if (params.length > 0 && !$.isArray(params[0])) { params = [params]; } var modalHTML; var buttonsHTML = ''; for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < params[i].length; j++) { if (j === 0) buttonsHTML += '
'; var button = params[i][j]; var buttonClass = button.label ? 'actions-modal-label' : 'actions-modal-button'; if (button.bold) buttonClass += ' actions-modal-button-bold'; if (button.color) buttonClass += ' color-' + button.color; if (button.bg) buttonClass += ' bg-' + button.bg; if (button.disabled) buttonClass += ' disabled'; buttonsHTML += '
' + button.text + '
'; if (j === params[i].length - 1) buttonsHTML += '
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'touchstart' : 'mousedown', move: $.support.touch ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove', end: $.support.touch ? 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