We're here to help you get the best possible printout of your calendar.  For that reason we do not recommend using Edge for printing your calendar.  At this time, Edge does not support printing background colors & images which is necessary for printing your legend colors or multi-day event banner colors.  Instead download another browser that you may print from, like Chrome.

It you need a quick print out from MS Edge here's how print:

1. Open MS Edge and go to your calendar using your standard calendar link in the following form, where yourcalendaridentifier is your calendar name:



2. Click the menu icon in Edge. Click Print.


3.  Next Edge opens a dilogue box for printing.  Here you can select your printer or print to PDF. 

You'll also want to select the following:

  • Select Landscape mode
  • Headers Off
  • Adjust "Scale" so that whole calendar and legend fits on page.
  • Margins keep as Default but could choose narrow


4. Click Print and Voila!  If you have any questions at all email us at support@calendarwiz.com