Some website builders and content management systems (CMS) do not allow you to add JavaScript to your website (e.g., VistaPrint, etc.)  The solution is to use a hosted version of the upcoming events list.

Use the below link to open your calendar's upcoming events list.  Be sure to replace "yourcalendaridentifier" with your unique calendar identifier name.

Next, going to your  Admin Menu > under Website Plugins > Upcoming Events List

Here you adjust settings and see them reflected in the preview window.

Depending on your website builder, you may be able to add the events list by "website address" or you may need to use a little iframe code to add your upcoming events list via your website builder's html widget.  The below events list was added by iframe code.


Example code to add upcoming events list via your website builder's html widget.  

Important: Be sure to insert your unique calendar identifier name where it says yourcalendaridentifier in the code.

If you have more than one upcoming events list, you can use this full link format to point to specific Upcoming Events List theme or change the alternating colors in the events list. Here is the full featured link:

Parameter Definitions:
crd=yourcalendaridentifier is your unique calendar identifier
theme=Master%20Theme is the theme name with %20 for any blanks
color_a=%23E6E6E6 is the first alternating hex color, %23 represents the #
color_b=%23D5D5D5 is the second alternating hex color, %23 represents the #

If you have any questions at all, please email  

If you can add JavaScript, follow the steps provided in this knowledgebase article:
Upcoming Events List