It is easy to import your Google Calendar events into CalendarWiz.  First, let's export your events from Google Calendar.

Export events from Google Calendar:

  1. Go to your Google Calendar
  2. Under "My Calendars" on the left -> Click the triangle to expand the menu
  3. Select to display all calendars that you wish to export
  4. Click the gear icon in the upper right of the Google Calendar
  5. Select "Settings"
  6. Click on "Calendars" link and then the "Export Calendars" link
  7. Google will generate a "zipped" file that will contain an .ics file for each Google "Calendar" you selected to export.
  8. Save each .ics file to your local computer where you can easily find them.  You will need to import each .ics file.

Import the .ics event file into CalendarWiz

  1. Login to your CalendarWiz calendar as an  Administrator
  2. Go to Admin Menu > Import Events > 
  3. Click the [Browse] button to locate the .ics field for import
  4. Click the [Import Events] button
  5. Confirm Import Screen allows you to assign the events into a category, select the category in which you want the events.
  6. Review Warnings or Problems
  7. Click the [Proceed With Import] button.
  8. Events will appear in your CalendarWiz calendar.
  9. Repeat for each .ics file downloaded from Google.

Important Note: if you have more than one Google Calendar .ics file to import, you may consider creating a separate category in your CalendarWiz calendar for each Google calendar .ics file. By setting up categories in CalendarWiz prior to importing events, you could automatically import events into the appropriate CalendarWiz category by selecting the category on import.

Categories are used to group events into separate calendar views in your CalendarWiz calendar. Categories also allow you to set viewing permission for your calendar. For example, create a public category to share on your website and create a private category for internal use only. You can also give a calendar user "manager" permission to edit specific selected categories.

To add categories:

Click the Admin Menu button > Categories Add >

Please contact support at if you have any questions.