Here's a complete list of customization/override options for your Upcoming Events List.  These options will override settings made in the upcoming events list admin screen.  

Override some of the Upcoming Events List admin screen limits by adding the following arguments to the src= link in the Upcoming Events List javascript:

&uc_days=200 (will allow you to pull events a specified # of days into future)
&uc_days_past=150 (will allow you to pull events a specified # of days into past)
&uc_sort=desc (will list event dates in descending order - often used with &uc_days_past )
&uc_maxevents=150 (will allow you to set max # of events shown)
&uc_dlen=200 (will set max length of the event description characters previewed)
&uc_boxwidth=700 (will set Upcoming Events List Width to pixel number specified)
&uc_boxheight=1000 (will set Upcoming Events List Height to pixel number specified)

Note: you can change the values of the arguments to whatever is reasonable for web page


Add Location Detail Information by adding the following arguments to the src= link in the Upcoming Events List javascript :

&uc_hideloc=1 (will hide location in Upcoming Event List)
&uc_hideloc=0 (will force location to display in Upcoming Event List even if not turned on in full calendar display)

&loc_name=1 (will show the location name)
&loc_street=1 (will show the location street address)
&loc_city=1 (will show the location city)
&loc_state=1 (will show the location state) 

Allow image tags thru in the event description preview:

&uc_dtags=1 (allow HTML tags such as anchor tags to appear in description.)
&uc_dimg=1 (will allow image tags in list event description preview)
Learn more about adding thumbnail images to your upcoming events list.

Note: keep in mind that the image size in the event description is not changed.  Good display requires the Upcoming Events List to be large enough.  Also, the value of &uc_dlen= needs to be large enough to not truncate the description before the image tag is encountered.

Ignore deleted occurrences in a daily repeating event.:


Here is an example of how to add override parameters into the upcoming events list code: