Suggest Calendar Event

This form must be filled out in order to request space at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church. Please note that filling out this form does NOT guarantee you the usage of the space. You will be contacted by the office after the request is processed.

Please select the main room from the location list and include any additional rooms in the "Note to Calendar Administrator"

Please include accurate contact information so we may contact you if there are questions.

NOTE: Event Contact Information (Name, Phone, and Email) will be displayed publicly, if included.

Your Contact Information

* required

This will not appear in calendar event

Event Information

* required

This will appear in calendar event

Optional, go to for more event information
* required

Event Location

Event Contact

Event Contact Information (Name, Phone, and Email) will be displayed publicly, if included.

Click on the Send Suggestion button to send your request to the calendar administrator for review and approval. Thank you.