Suggest Calendar Event

Hello! Thank you for checking out our Fox Valley Veterans Council Community Calendar!

Use this form to suggest a relevant event for consideration to be placed on our calendar. The calendar administrator will be notified of your suggestion and review your submission for approval.

Please include accurate contact information so we may contact you if there are questions and to share current and future information and communication from the Fox Valley Veterans Council Inc.

We reserve the right to approve or deny suggested events in keeping with our mission and focus. Priority will be given to Fox Valley Veterans Council member organizations. Thank you for suggesting an event for our local Fox Valley Veterans Council Community Calendar!

Your Contact Information

* required

This will not appear in calendar event

Event Information

* required

This will appear in calendar event

Optional, go to for more event information

Event Location

Event Contact

Click on the Send Suggestion button to send your request to the calendar administrator for review and approval. Thank you.